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For nearly two decades, thousands of coaches, officials and fans have traveled to Baltimore or Philadelphia to experience the US Lacrosse Convention, annually the sport’s biggest trade show and professional development opportunity.

In 2021, we’re bringing LaxCon to you.

The US Lacrosse Convention will be an all-virtual event Jan. 15-16. A sports industry leader in online learning, US Lacrosse has converted the physical halls and walls of the convention center into an immersive digital platform for people from all walks of the lacrosse world.

Represent your community.

Let’s turn the challenges of 2020 into opportunities — for everyone — in 2021. No matter how you identify or which community you represent, you’ll find like-minded people at LaxCon without the hassle or expense of travel.

Reimagine the way we play.

The game hasn’t changed, just the game plan. Let’s lock arms, collect the sport’s brightest minds, learn from each other and position ourselves for growth and success in 2021.

Reignite your love of lacrosse.

View keynotes in real-time. Build your own agenda from relevant on-demand content. Interact in private chat spaces. Visit our virtual exhibitor hall for the first look at the latest lacrosse equipment, tech and innovations.

“LaxCon has long been the official kickoff to the lacrosse season,” said Kim Rogers, director of special events at US Lacrosse. “We are working hard to ensure this virtual opportunity delivers the quality our members have come to expect from our flagship event.”

Registration for the 2021 US Lacrosse Convention will open by the beginning of November.

Interested in learning more about our Virtual LaxCon sponsor packages? Email