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USA Lacrosse understands that it can be difficult for anyone to report suspicions or allegations of inappropriate behavior towards athletes and/or child abuse or neglect (including child sexual abuse), and respects the sensitive nature of all reports. When filing a report with the USA Lacrosse Abuse Prevention Program, you may remain anonymous if you wish. However, please be aware that providing your information can be very helpful in the investigative process.

Knowingly making a false or vindictive report will not be tolerated and can result in termination of your USA Lacrosse Membership.

Reporting Party

Status message

*If you wish to remain anonymous, please write "ANONYMOUS" where it states "Full Name"
Are you over 18 years of age*
How would you prefer we contact you?

Status message

By law, any suspicions or allegations of child abuse or neglect (including child sexual abuse) must be reported to law enforcement and child protective services within 24 hours.

USA Lacrosse policy requires that all staff members, volunteers, and members of USA Lacrosse must report any suspicions or allegations of child abuse or neglect (including child sexual abuse) to law enforcement and child protective services and notify the USA Lacrosse Abuse Prevention Program.

Person Being Reported

Alleged Offense Information

Status message

Please provide as much detailed information as you are able.

Victim or Victims

Status message

If you are the victim and wish to remain anonymous, please enter the name as “ANONYMOUS”. You may also be unaware of who the victim is. In that case, please enter the name as “UNKNOWN”.
Is there another victim you are aware of?*

Individual(s) Who May Have Additional Information

Status message

List anyone who may be able to provide additional information regarding the alleged offense. We will not identify you when contacting these individuals.
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